4601 Gold Spike Dr
4601 Gold Spike Dr,
Fort Worth, TX 76106,
Big Box Warehouse
4601 Gold Spike Dr
Location Fort Worth, Texas

4601 Gold Spike Dr,
Fort Worth, TX 76106,
Net Lettable Area 46,667  sqm
Platform/Funding Mapletree US & EU Logistics Private Trust

The property is in the city of Fort Worth and is considered a suburban location. Land uses within the neighborhood consist of a mixture of commercial and residential development. Primary access is provided by Interstate Highway 35W and Loop 820. Secondary access is provided by US Highway 183 to the south of the subject and Western Center Boulevard to the north. The property consists of a single warehousing unit and offers a 32-foot ceiling, 157 parking spaces, 96 dock doors, 1 drive-in door and is fully sprinklered.